The school of Eastern Finland
Bilingual and international
In our School of Eastern Finland, Russian language and culture is present everyday from preschool to the upper secondary school. The school operates in three towns in Finland. Their locations are Imatra, Joensuu and Lappeenranta.
We believe a bilingual and bicultural learning environment supports, encourages and develops a child’s growth into an openminded and international young person. Furthermore, this can increase their educational potential and in essence, subsequently assist them in finding employment in the future. It is paramount to us that we promote their joy for learning, creativity, courage, self expression and create a safe, joyful, healthy and nurturing atmosphere. These are behaviours that we observe and are displayed by our pupils within the everyday life of our school!
We believe a bilingual and bicultural learning environment supports, encourages and develops a child’s growth into an openminded and international young person. Furthermore, this can increase their educational potential and in essence, subsequently assist them in finding employment in the future. It is paramount to us that we promote their joy for learning, creativity, courage, self expression and create a safe, joyful, healthy and nurturing atmosphere. These are behaviours that we observe and are displayed by our pupils within the everyday life of our school!
We are a community
In our school , preschoolers and pupils of grades 1-9, form together a school community enabling a consistent and healthy environment, building positive long term relationships between pupils and staff. A pupil grows together with the same classmates from preschooler to the 9th grader, or even to upper secondary school/senior high school student. Small schools with 200 pupils and moderate size study groups guarantee individual guidance and support.

Language program
The school of Eastern Finland follows the Finnish national curriculum from preschool to upper secondary school. We study Russian language starting from preschool and English language from the 1st grade. International cooperation, trips to abroad give our pupils and students unforgettable experiences of the language and culture of the country they are studying.
Applications are open to anyone
Any pupil who wants to study in a bilingual environment is welcome to apply to the School of Eastern Finland.
Competent and enthusiastic personnel
The teachers and trainee teachers working in our school are multiskilled and motivated professionals who have passion, drive and the enthusiasm to create the best learning environment for all of our pupils.